Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Whipping Scars On The Back of The Fugitive Slave Named Gordon

Runaway Slave Gordon.

From the Smithsonian Photography Initiative, "Photography changes the way we record and respond to social issues," by Frank H. Goodyear, III, assistant curator of photographs at the National Portrait Gallery, suggests how mass produced and widely distributed images helped the abolitionist movement.

During the Civil War, photography heroicized the leading politicians and military officers, memorialized sites where the war was waged, and—remarkable for the time—revealed how violent and deadly the battles between Union and Confederate forces actually were. It also played an influential role in broadening the national debate about slavery. As this famous photograph suggests, photography was capable of communicating powerful ideas about the so-called “peculiar institution”—ideas that ultimately undermined the prevailing notion that slavery was a benign tradition.

Gordon As He Entered Our Lines

The photograph pictures the runaway slave Gordon exposing his scourged back to the camera of two itinerant photographers, William D. McPherson and his partner, Mr. Oliver. Gordon had received a severe whipping for undisclosed reasons in the fall of 1862. This beating left him with horrible welts on much of the surface of his back. While the plantation owner discharged the overseer who had carried out this vicious attack, for the next two months as Gordon recuperated in bed, he decided to escape.

In March 1863 he fled his home, heading east towards the Mississippi River. Upon learning of his flight, his master recruited several neighbors and together they chased after him with a pack of bloodhounds. Gordon had anticipated that he would be pursued and carried with him onions from the plantation, which he rubbed on his body to throw the dogs off-scent. Such resourcefulness worked, and Gordon—his clothes torn and his body covered with mud and dirt—reached the safety of Union soldiers stationed at Baton Rouge ten days later. He had traveled approximately eighty miles.

Runaway Slave Gordon under medical inspection.

While at this encampment Gordon decided to enlist in the Union Army. As President Lincoln had granted African Americans the opportunity to serve in segregated units only months earlier, Gordon was at the front of a movement that would ultimately involve nearly 200,000 African Americans. It was during his medical examination prior to being mustered into the army that military doctors discovered the extensive scars on his back. McPherson and Oliver were then in the camp, and Gordon was asked to pose for a picture that would reveal the harsh treatment he had recently received.

The photographic team mass-produced and sold copies of Gordon’s portrait in the small and popular format of the time, known as the carte-de-visite. The image provoked an immediate response as copies circulated quickly and widely. Samuel K. Towle, a surgeon with the 30th Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteers working in Baton Rouge, sent a copy of the photograph to the Surgeon-General of the State of Massachusetts. In his accompanying letter he wrote: “Few sensation writers ever depicted worse punishments than this man must have received, though nothing in his appearance indicates any unusual viciousness—but on the contrary, he seems INTELLIGENT AND WELL-BEHAVED.” Within months commercial photographers in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and London were issuing this image on their own studio mounts. This particular copy was made by the famous New York portrait photographer Mathew Brady.

Gordon the Runaway Slave
Harper's Weekly, July 4, 1863

Recognized as a searing indictment of slavery, Gordon’s portrait was presented as the latest evidence in the abolitionist campaign. An unidentified writer for the New York Independent wrote: “This Card Photograph should be multiplied by 100,000, and scattered over the States. It tells the story in a way that even Mrs. [Harriet Beecher] Stowe [author of the 1852 book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin] can not approach, because it tells the story to the eye.” Abolitionist leaders such as William Lloyd Garrison referred to it repeatedly in their work.

On July 4, 1863 Harper’s Weekly reproduced the image as a wood engraving with the article, “A Typical Negro.” Two other portraits of Gordon—one “as he entered our lines,” and the other “in his uniform as a U.S. soldier”—were also included. Together these three images and the accompanying article about his harrowing journey and the brutality of Southern slaveholders transformed Gordon into a symbol of the courage and patriotism of African Americans. His example also inspired many free blacks in the North to enlist.

Gordon in his uniform as a U.S. Soldier.

Records of Gordon’s military service during the Civil War are incomplete. Harper’s Weekly reported that he served as a Union guide in Louisiana, and that during one expedition he was taken captive by Confederate forces, beaten, and left for dead. Yet, he supposedly survived and returned to Union lines. The Liberator reported that he served as a sergeant in an African American regiment that fought bravely at the siege of Port Hudson, an important Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River twenty miles north of Baton Rouge. This battle on May 27, 1863 marked the first time that African American soldiers played a leading role in an assault on a major Confederate position. Their heroism was widely noted and helped convince many skeptics to accept the enlistment of African Americans into the U.S. Army. There are no further records indicating what became of Gordon. Yet, this famous image of him lives on as a searing testament of slavery’s brutality and the fortitude displayed by so many African Americans during this period. (source: Smithsonian Photography Initiative)


  1. racism across u.s stop it right now

    1. what u said stop this bs

    2. you aint lying girl

    3. This is a really very nice post. We were impressed with the quality of your work.
      Allergist Bayside

    4. i feel like this is crap because of white people cause them iam black iam not trying to be racless i think this bull happen

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    6. Usual Slavery story with no beginning of who owned Gordon on which plantation. Commonly written to hide the facts that Jews(not White)owned the majority of these slave plantations and owned 100% of slave ships but blamed on White people.

    7. and somehow this sh!t is still goig on

    8. @Unknown (Nazi) The jewish people are not to be faulted alone in their conquest over Africans. Who killed for the Jewish people to own slaves? Why would the south fight the north if only 0.03% of white Americans owned slaves? There wouldn't have been millions of deaths if the south were only 50 thousand men strong. The lost cause is a failed movement and you are a sucker for picking up on that Bull, Honkey.

  2. ou rachet front lace is all wrong you the papi AHAH

    1. not a single thing about your post makes any discernible sense.

    2. You should try visiting the south. Speak to a life long resident...white or black....then come back on here and say this doesn't make any sense. Watch Django Unchained and reply the above article doesn't make any sense. The black slave(s) were a very strong group of people. They went through and endured more than you or I could today or ever. As a matter of fact, there is and always will be a very dark cloud hanging just above all of the southern states because of how greedy white people are and how far they wouldst go to get what they wanted. Take a look around and see that there are more mixed, beautiful, and intelligent children from black and white couples than EVER before! People should refrain from writing about what they do not know, nor understand.

    3. To the commenter on Feb. 3 -- Thank you for your great insight

    4. Thank you well said

    5. this shit is crazy nd y white people aint get beat ya aint no different

    6. true that.... this shit is sad

    7. Y r u guys so ignorant about the truth. The comments of 2/3/13 speak the truth. Seeing is believing and when u know better u do better, some of us.

      U reveal ur ignorance, limited knowledge & very limited vocabulary when u resort to foul language to express yourselves. Learn 2rise above ur circumstances & become a better person by learning something. Wisdom is the beginning of knowledge. Don't be stupid forever

    8. It was bad i live in the south it was what it was

    9. this shit is whack man, like pacman

    10. What I don't understand is the fact that everybody claims to be so religious and all Christians... but nobody understands that this was all prophesized to happen. Everything that happened to the Aborigines here in America was destined to happen to us. But on the flip side, it's also prophesized for American Aborigines, (So-called African Americans) to get back everything that was stolen from them including their TRUE identity. That's right, they're not African at all. They are the True Indians, Hebrew Israelites. The lost Tribe. Children of The Most High. or as they referred to us; (the people of the book...) With all that being said, I'm not at all angry about what happened in the past. I KNOW what's going to happen in the very near future.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The kind of brutality that "Gordon" (sometimes known in history also as "James) experienced was in fact very, very rare. This article even states that the slaverowner fired the slavemaster who did that. There is a reason why this is the only picture of such brutality that you have ever seen: because it WAS so rare. Slaves in general were treated humanely by their masters, they were not even normally called "slaves" but "servants".

    1. Thanks for your comments.

      I'm not agreeing with the whole notion of "very,very rare." Abuse by whipping seems to be more akin to the order of the day.

      You can't be serious about the rarity of whipping. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of newspaper accounts of runaway or fugitive slaves with distinguishing scars from whipping, or branding, or removal of teeth, or dismembering toes, or fetters, iron shackles, iron collars. This certainly seems to be the order of the day. I can certainly point to you some of these accounts from Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Keys To Uncle Tom's Cabin" which is available for free online at several sites here's a link; or Charles Dickens "American Notes"

      As you know photography was new technology in the late 19th century, so the photographic evidence of whipping scars are rare, but that form of punishment was common. There were people who made a living whipping slaves. Whipping poles were found on every plantation. Slave narratives as well as diaries from slave owners account for whipping as punishment. Brad Pitt is making a movie about the slave narrative "Solomon Northup 12 Years A Slave" -- I have an excerpt from Northup's account here

      The records of whipping just goes on and on and on. Slavery in the USA was a 246 year institution. Slavery in the Americas (North, South, Central and the Caribbean) lasted from 1503 until 1889 that would be nearly 400 years.

      Whipping was common. Way too common, I might add.

      --Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog

    2. Here's a couple of more links to slave whipping:

      Slave whipping as a business --

      Slave Punishments:;postID=7947517168856434176

    3. Again, slavery apologist. How is this acceptable? Americans worked so hard to cultivate an intolerance for holocaust denial--why not an intolerance for casual denial of the reality of slavery? Do these people know nothing of human nature--or are they just the descendants of the men who perpetrated these crimes against humanity? Little has changed, I see. -LG

    4. {{Again, slavery apologist. How is this acceptable?}}

      I agree. That's one of the reasons why I started this blog, to EDUCATE about the history of enslavement, slavery, and unfree labor.

      There are literally thousands of posts on this blog addressing slavery from almost every conceivable angle. It baffles me how one can read the EVIDENCE of violence and abuse and whitewash its historic impact. I don't get how many mental gymnastic moves one has to preform in order to construct an alternative reality.

      Some people don't like facts, they prefer fairy tales, and myths to history and reality. It must make them feel good. After all God gave them the Indian land and black slaves to work for their enrichment. It's hard to reconcile the American mythic narrative of the land of the free, in the home of the slave.

      --Ron Edwards
      US Slave Blog

    5. Are you really serious? And what resources, may I ask, have you examined to support your position?

    6. Likewise, I have come across this slave photograph under various names and nationalities; he's been presented as an American slave or an English slave. One of the first casualties of war is the truth. It has been said that a slave cost as much as a car today. It doesn't make sense to beat up an automobile after paying good money for it.

    7. Have you ever thought that the rarity of photos has alot to do with the fact that not everyone had access to a camera?

    8. Slavery was one of the most brutal institutions this nation has ever know. Slaves were beaten, torchured and hanged. This was the greatest testiment to man's brutality against man ever known

    9. You must be on the wrong kind of crack or rather overdose of same! Have you ever studied undiluted evil that those innocent souls that were brutally taken from their lands, families and countries went through? Maybe you expect them to expose their continue sponsor of terrorism around the world on camera huh?
      One thing remains that white race like their Arab ones are nothig but blood thirsty demons masked as humans.. They think nothing else other than to destroy other if they cannot dominate or rule over them like slaves!
      Maybe you have heard about the slave ship Zong among many more, on how sadistic white folks could be. Forget that Africans in their warm welcoming nature welcomed them in their lands, thinking they're human beings, not knowing that they are demon wearing human skin!

    10. Rare ? Yes in that only a few photos survive... In fact photos were RARE... Abuse was NEVER rare... Slaps to the face, and brutal beatings of SLAVES were NEVER rare... slaves were PROPERTY...

    11. {"It has been said that a slave cost as much as a car today. It doesn't make sense to beat up an automobile after paying good money for it."}

      There are a few things I'd like to address about your comment. Comparing a lifeless car to a human with thoughts, feelings and personalities is bizarre. Yes they would have beat, raped, tortured and abused their expensive slaves to keep them in constant fear of running away. Yes they would have beat, raped and tortured women who didn't want to accept their advances (With such a huge sense of entitlement white people had and still have, of course they would have done the unthinkable)

      I'm not shocked behind this slave being beaten this badly and no it wasn't rare it was 'normal' Comparing slaves to animals wasn't to make the slave or the black man less human but to help the white man feel more human. Because to acknowledge the heinous crimes you've done to another human being would make you the most vial, vicious savages and beasts of the earth. No one wants to face the reality of their own evil. So dehumanize an entire race to make yourself feel good about the obvious wrong. Throughout all of history the one fact that remains is that the white man has had his hand in the destruction or tearing down of almost every other race. Not a history or a culture I'd want to claim either.

    12. I just came across this blog as I was browsing after looking up Sarah Rector. (Please look her up) It's quite disturbing that a human being would be compared to a vehicle. I guess all those who lost their lives in the Holocaust are compared to vehicles as well? What did they do to be treated the way they were and then killed and buried in mass graves?!Families were separated and people were tortured. Sound familiar?
      Slaves, servants or whatever some choose to call them were humans that suffered and endured some of the worst kinds of pain, cried, bled, had their children taken from their arms, were beaten for almost nothing, raped when the slave masters felt like raping them, and the list goes on and on. It's equally disturbing that they were treated this way all because of the color of their skin. Fast forward to the early 1990's when Rodney King was brutally beaten by police officers not because he resisted arrest but because he was an African-American and to add much more insult to his injuries the officers were acquitted by a majority white jury! There were several articles published after this travesty and some of them referenced info stating that Black people were only a certain percentage human! What kind of foolishness is that and even now some animals are treated much better than African-Americans. Fast forward again proving African-Americans are still treated like they're nothing only now more so by those wearing badges and sworn to protect and serve and by no means is that a generalization of all police officers because there are some good police officers and they took the job for the right reason. That list includes Treyvon Martin, (killed by a liar who wasn't a cop and who got away with cold-blooded murder only to auctin off the gun he used to murder this young man), Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Scott (shot in the back 8 times), Tanisha Anderson, Tamir Rice, Yvette Smith, Miriam Carey and the list goes on and on and on...No one on this planet, and I mean no one is any better than any individual! That includes the people in poor undeveloped countries. We're no better than they are, we only have more than they do and that could be gone in the blink of an eye.


  5. Thank you for your post! It was both comprehensive and informative. I was also impressed to see that you've posted what seems to be one of the very few photographic images of "As He Entered Our Lines". Do you know whether this image was reproduced and distributed during the Civil War?

    1. The drawings are from a widely distributed magazine called Harper's Weekly, with a dateline of July 4, 1863. Therefore, if the Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865, then yes these drawings are obviously reproductions of the photographs.

      The whole Contraband Camp, Union Lines and Fugitive Slave thing gets a little fuzzy historically. It seems like there were some people who were anti-slavery, but also anti-black, there were some who were anit-black and pro-slavery, some were anti-slavery and pro-black ... the records of abuse within the Union lines of escaping slaves or slave refugees (remember much of the south was an active war zone) is legendary.

      That being said, there were also very active abolitionist Quakers and others who had enough money to use photography to document the escaping slaves. I bet somewhere in the records of the US Army archives there are photographs of the conditions of enslavement as well as the conditions of the Civil War Contraband Camps. But, there is such a suppression of the archival documents of slavery ... Just remember who would have had the most documents of institutional enslavement, the plutocrat planters who started the Civil War and the Lost Cause in the first place, so destroying the records or suppressing the archives seems quite feasible.

      Just remember it wasn't until very recently that the Thomas Jefferson Estate even acknowledged the whole Sally Hemmings thing. There are very powerful families and very powerful interests who don't want this history brought to light. Slavery was a rich man's game whose players included Kings, Queens, Dukes, Lords, Princes and Princesses.

      --Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog

  6. I think what you say about the complex attitudes of Northerners towards Black slaves is very right. The ambiguity about not only slavery, but the possibility of Black equal rights was a fraught one, a fact that seems best exemplified by the types of representation of Black people and former slaves in 19th century popular news media. White Northern print culture represents Blacks as simultaneously cowardly and courageous, victims and actors (a phenomenon curiously evident in Harper's Weekly's article about Gordon, "A Typical Negro").

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  12. Thanks for a wonderful blog, should be required viewing for every high school student. it saddens me that so many of my children's peers are fed the "slaves were treated well because they were property" myth. there's a correlation between such ignorance and the plethora of racist posts by children on social media following this election.
    Slavery still exists and without honest assessment of its history, it always will.

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  16. I just finished an essay final on the Freedmen's Bureau and in my research I stumbled upon this site. Wow, an amazing collection of images and much thought-provoking and stimulating conversation - Thank you!

    And to the poor ignorant soul that was trying to sugarcoat the centuries of torturous and murderous practices of chattel slavery, there are pages and pages of primary source documents available to read on the Freedmen's Bureau site located here - These are reports taken at the time of the actual accounts, and they are filed under "Murders and Outrages". Although I must warn anybody who decides to read them, the content is hard to stomach.

    Thank you again for the great work put into this website.


    1. Tammy,

      Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I certainly appreciate your Freedmen's Bureau hat tip. There are so many fruitful primary resources to be found on the Freedmen's site. History is fascinating!

      --Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog

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  37. this was a great post..i just watched django last night and it was a great is a shame how slaves were treated..just imagine being in that period of time walkin miles upon miles no water whenever you wanted no food all the time..working in the heat 24/7 im native american indian and black my finace is white and black we have three beautiful children..we lived in georgia for a year it was nice but when we drove morw south and in the farming areas you could tell the difference..we passed cotton fields and i immediatly felt a cloud of hatred in that area..its ashame..people need to wake up

  38. We sure have evolved as a nation. We went from using n1ggers as whipping targets, to using n1ggers as shooting targets! Whipping was such good exercise, wonder why Americans are so fat these days lol

    1. Your parents must be siblings to have produced such an ignorant person like you. Stop with the racial slurs. You're so tough posting crap behind the anonymity of the Internet. Most racists are nothing more than cowards who are insecure. Grow up.

    2. You're right 'Anonymous Sept 25, 2014'. The post from April 28, 2013 is ignorant to say the very least and there is nothing comical about that statement! People often don't have an issue with anything until it directly affects them. At least we know without a doubt that IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY has affected that being. I won't use the term 'person' because it wouldn't be accurate to use that word...

    3. Kys, April 28, 2013

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  40. We can not change yesterday, but we can change tomorrow ! First we must seek God ! Man is not nor ever been all knowing ~! We must live by Gods laws. Quit dividing the people by race, and hate ! Those who captured in Africa hold the blame as well ! You must live by the TRUTH ! Stop believing what you have been taught by MAN ! Seek the truth ! Ask !! What was in Lincoln's heart when he signed the Proclamation of Emancipation ? Ask if he is the HERO ? Why only free the slaves in the SOUTH, and HOLD those in the NORTH BOUND !! Tell me some lies !Why did it take so long after the war begin ? More LIES ! Tell me how it has changed AMERICA ? What about the slaves of TODAY ? Those PIMPS with TV shows to show the glamor of slavery, and a Black President who has not said ONE WORD ! Yet the 12 year old & teens are forced into drug induced sex slavery, and no one gives a DAMN ! If we have another CIVIL WAR over the rights of state to own guns or Obama Care ! We can blame it on slavery again ! This time the South can free the slaves in the NORTH !

    1. We had a Black President who was supposed to say what?! We all know slavery happened (just as the Holocaust happened) and you're right to say we have to change things. President Obama had a hard enough time trying to deal with Congress fighting him on everything but look at his record; he actually accomplished quite a lot. People keep complaining about the Affordable Healthcare Act but his goal was to try to make sure uninsured individuals would have insurance. Blame the states for not expanding Medicaid and blame the insurance companies for increasing the monthly premiums. That's what they do whether there was the Affordable Healthcare Act or not!! People choose what they want to watch on TV and that doesn't make them a slave. It's their right and/or choice to watch TV and as for the teens forced into sex slavery, the problem has to be dealt with by all; not by one man! The men and/or women who use these young children should be jailed for lengthy periods but how many people who know this is going on are willing to speak up? Only a sick-in-the-head individual would think it's ok to have sex with children, but there again, doing something about it is everyone's responsibility! As for guns, not every one needs to own a gun regardless of whether it's a right. Guns often end up in the wrong hands and we all know the outcome and why do you say 'another Civil War over...guns or Obamacare'? That doesn't even make any sense! People first have to place more value on human lives in order for things to change...

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  43. Thank you for making this information accessible. My own family was on the blameable side of the Confederate War, my grandfather having been the grandson of a preacher/farmer who enslaved some people in Georgia. We have a journal from our former slaver penned after the Civil War; sadly but unsurprisingly he was still not a nice person, controlling the former-slave laborers on his farm by threatening to not pay their wages at the end of the work season (yet also his human side shows as he mourns the loss of his own son). I stumbled upon your blog while trying to look up the value of a family heirloom, a bell, that likely was used during those days. Oh so terribly sobering. Thank you for the wake-up.

    Please consider removing the numerous spam comments, as they obscure the value of your work.

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I really do need to eradicate the spam on this blog. Although it's not a viable excuse, but being a one-man show, I need to take one day out of the week or month to clear out the crap. I take great pains to get rid of the porn spam. Good catch, I'll work on that more.

      As far as the Confederacy is concerned, my great-great grandfather (to the third power or so) was also a Confederate in Raymond, Mississippi during the Grant Campaign in Vicksburg. We descend from the Colonel Dillon's "other family" ... the one that occupied the slave quarters. The white family got all of the land, and they even have recognition from the National Park Service .... while, Colonel Dillon's other bloodline with his slave girl just gets the middle finger of life.

      I bet those old Mississippi Daughters of the Confederacy don't have a clue as to how many black relatives they have. My grandmother and her sisters stayed in the Raymond/Edwards area of Mississippi, while a couple of her brothers left the South and lived their lives as "white men." All of Colonel Dillon's black children were all extremely fair skinned people and they could have "passed" for white anywhere except Mississippi (that one drop rule was an immutable force). We learned at an early age that black is black, no matter how dark or how light, we were all in the same Apartheid boat going nowhere in Mississippi.

      I'm off too deep on a personal tangent. Thanks again, for your comments.

      --Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog

    2. Ron, You should consider changing your posting options it'll get rid of the spam. Nice blog!

  44. That spam is flat out offensive. Frankly, it feels like they're defecating on the topic. If you ever want help deleting spam or anything like that, I'd be happy to help. This blog is amazing.

  45. "But a slave owner with a few slaves seldom if ever ordered physical punishment and for a number of reasons; the slave would harder to work, control; the slave would be more likely to flee and most importantly the slave might seek revenge and if you could not afford a overseer then you would be the one to face the music.

    A slave owner of means hired an overseer to handle slave matters, which would have been beneath the owner and he would never be presented during discipline. It was considered vulgar and beneath one of status. Now please don’t misunderstand this analogy as I am not saying a black was on the level of a pet, I am trying to point out what society at the time thought of physical discipline. That was something along the lines of one of your neighbors mistreating his familys' livestock or pets, demeaning, cruel, a crude violent person. As, I said I have no doubt if slaves had fled and were caught lee or anyone would have ordered them whipped but at the same time I am just as confident that Lee would never have been present".

  46. i think its great for the children

  47. Replies
    1. Your comment was SO dumb. What are you, twelve? Give your mom back her phone and go to bed. Smh

    2. well ur not

    3. That was an ignorant comment! There was nothing cool about being a slave or being enslaved. If you have nothing of value to post, don't post anything at all.

  48. more links to "Gordon"

  49. He was also called "Peter"

  50. Hi!

    I just discovered your blog while looking for information about the history of slavery. I teach American History & Culture. Your blog is a wonderful source of information on this topic, and I think you for writing it!


  51. We need more of this "Negro Whippens Today more than ever.
    Let us start with Rap Singers.

    1. Jim Ratery, you must be a card carrying member of the KKK to post something that ignorant. Maybe we should get together and whip on your a$$. How about that?!

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  53. We all agree that slavery was a tragic part of our history, I'm sure being an indentured servant for some whites was not pleasant as well. Between the two, I would pick being indentured. But let us keep in mind, and it is important for our children to be taught, that our Nation was founded on the principal of eliminating slavery, I believe our Constitution mentions 20 years. Unfortunately that did not take place and therefore created the divide that ultimately cost our Nation to pay a very heavy price. Our Nation did not create the institution of slavery, but thankfully it ended it. But now we are all on a better path thanks to all of our ancestors. But, and here is the REAL issue. We should stop concentrating so much on our past and realize that SLAVERY still exists in this world. People are still being placed in slavery, caught, bought, and sold TODAY in some countries just as they were 149 years ago in ours. Where is the outrage, the discuss, the rising tide of hatred against these countries? Or is it too easy to sit back and complain about what happened in our past. Its time to turn our heads forward and carry the banner of freedom to these off shore places that still practice this horrible institution. But I doubt you will ever hear the oh so concerned black leadership or spineless politicians taking up the banner of freedom. Sorry, I carried on too long, I'm tired and your tired of reading. So lets all get another drink, sit back, and complain some more about OUR history. It's so much easier. My glass is empty. Have a great day.

  54. Lord, have mercy.

  55. the world was a very very harsh place back in the 1800's

  56. It really pisses me off that people can take a look at that picture and think it logical to go from there to "white people are sadistic". Bigotry doesn't just go one direction I guess! The fact is that slavery still "warm-hearted" Africa: in Arab lands; in some parts of Eastern Europe where women are trafficked in the sex trade. Aint got nuthin to do with what colour your skin is. Sadists and greedy mercenaries come in all shades. Today's bigoted African-Americans like to conveniently forget that the majority of African slaves were not captured by Europeans - it was Africans who were selling other Africans, from rival tribal groups, that supplied the market. Slavery is wrong and bad, obviously. But it sure as hell wasn't "white people" who thought of it all by themselves and did it to everybody else. There are cruel exploiters of every gender, every race, every religion, every nationality. And there are kind and good people to be found just as universally. Exploring the history of slavery should not be some kind of justification to support bigotry against others. Part of my heritage is white, but I can guarantee that none of my ancestors on that side were slave-holders because they were poor workers who were also being exploited by the rich. All the bluster about racism prevents focusing on the real issue which is about class and economic deprivation. Instead of trying to make this a black/white issue, you should realize that the poor and exploited of this world are ALL victims of the same powerful elites and together we should combat them instead of taking cheap shots.

  57. when slaves women were brought to this country they were rape by there white masters and nothing could be done about it.because that is the way it was.slave men would look a white woman or she would lie on him he would get whip or hung. because that is the way it the races are together and i am sure there is a group of people of one race that does not like it but now, that is the way it is. we should all pray and forgive each other and put it aside because it will never be forgotten. because that is the way it was.

  58. they should be shamed of they damn selfs

  59. Diana, I would have to challenge you to see the bigger picture. Yes many of your statements are true, and I am not here to minimize anything you have said.

    My family came from the a slave woman who was raped by her master thus producing my great great grand father. He "gave" him his freedom just before the civil war. He asked if he could take his mother with him but his father/master told him no.He fought in the civil war against his uncle who was Robert E. Lee. So some of my ancestors did own slaves. But believe me the wealth that has been passed down the lines to the Lee ancestors has not reached this side of the family.

    Historically, many laws were enacted by state legislatures to keep black people "in their place" not poor whites. These laws took many forms state by state but here are a few examples:

    1. Black people were not allowed to vote in some states until the 1960's
    2. Black people were not allowed an education, or educated in substandard conditions, punishing those who taught them to read
    3. In many states Black people were not allowed to hold public office
    4. Black people were not allowed to own or posses guns
    5. Black people were prohibited from learning/having a skilled trade
    6. Black people were not allowed to testify in court against a white person
    7. Black people were not allowed to enter some states
    8. Black people were not allowed to work in the printing industry
    9. Black people were denied any type of business license
    10. Black people were not allowed to work in drug stores
    11. Black people were not allowed to be on the streets after a certain time
    12. Black people were not allowed to hold contracts as a mechanic
    13. Black people were not allowed to own or drive carts
    16. Black people were not allowed to hold a license for any profit making activities
    17. Black people were not allowed to work in the carpentry trade
    The US Supreme court at one point stated that a Black person has no rights that a white person has to respect.

    These are just a few of the laws that were enacted to keep Black people from participating in the economy, from becoming educated, and having a say in the governing of this country we helped to build. So in the big scheme of things at least in America, yes white people did create the laws and institutions that made Jim Crowe a way of life to hindered Black people from prospering. Not to say that some Black people were not able to overcome these hurdles, but for the vast majority, many were and still left behind.

    So while some poor whites may have had a rough time, I do not know of any laws that kept them from participating in the economy in the same ways that Black people were prohibited. So when you talk about class and economic deprivation, yes, we know all to well about that.

    Some like to conveniently forget what our true history is and therefore are likely to repeat it.

  60. I don't have time to explain wrong on so many level except poor whites had the same limitations and was why whites and blacks in the South were close look at "Slavery Last Chapter".

  61. I am not sure how I found your site. After reading some posts I think there is a great idea for a TV show. As you mentioned some of your ancestors were so fair that they could have passed. I had an interesting meeting in Walmart in Colorado. I got chatting with a lady who had a very blonde daughter with blue eyes and tan skin. You don't see this colouring very often. She was a very pretty little girl. It seems her grandmother came from Mississippi to Colorado. Her grandmother raised a family and when she died the lady I chatted with wrote to her grandmother's cousin to inform of her death. They began corresponding. She decided to go visit Mississippi and her grandmother's cousin. She knocked on the door and a AA woman answered. She looked considerably like her grandmother. She never knew. I think this could make for some powerful TV.

  62. This happened to many slaves although not normally to this extremity, cases with whippings this bad are somewhat rare because slave masters wanted to sell slaves, scars on backs, brands and other things that left marks were a sighn of a rebelious slave which would make said slave less valuble because first it was 'damaged goods' and second it showed that slave had a rebelious past and wa likely to act up in the new enviorment as well.
    If anyones writingf a paper make sure to fact check with other websites and dont believe everything that you read/hear, not all of it is true and most of it is edited to prove a point, also if you want to use any of the comment make sure to fact check those as well because im not sure about the other people commenting on this but im 14 and based off of my spelling mistakes you should have guessed thta I am not an expert.
    Also if you are writing a paper capitalize the Is the first time that way you wont have to go through a second time and edit it.
    Thank you.

  63. Stop crying about the past... it is what it is. Move on....

    1. Unfortunately the past is not the past. We are reliving it today. Until these attrocities are fully recognised by all, and not swept under the carpet. Until people stop saying 'the past is the past lets move on' history will always repeat itself. The slavery that took place in Africa can nowhere be compared to this! They were not beaten like this! Or raped! Or taken from their country! Or forced to take another name!forced to forget their heritage, that they were warriors, kings and queens, princes and princesses!Forced to take on white Christianity, forced to believe their Saviour was a white man if not they were killed! How can that be justified and you tell me lets move on. Do you know your true identity? Because I don't. My parents lived in St Vincent. I recently read a slave journal which states that West Indies was the worst place for slaves. The writer could not even desribe some of the things he saw happen to other slaves it was that bad. So, please, everyone, if you think these are all lies, or these pictures are rare occurences, do your own research and seek the truth for yourself!

  64. Too bad there are still so many vestiges remaining to remind us of this wretched period in our history.

    As long as cops are slaughtering unarmed, innocent blacks we can't really move on.

    When a black person can drive and walk in public without fear of being harassed or murdered by racist cops, when they can walk and drive with the same freedom as whites, we will have moved on.

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  67. It seems to be the only picture of a black that has been beaten/whipped. What economic value were placed on slaves? Do some research and when you find out you must ask yourself about the stories of cruelty etc etc. Why abuse something you paid quite a lot of money for and was going to earn you even more money? Makes no sense does it? Where were most of the cotton mills in the 1800's? If you guessed New England you are right. New England is in the "North". They were cashing in on millions of dollars the cotton industry created. Washington DC had a problem being unable to get their hands on that money so they decided to cripple the industry by outlawing the workers in cotton fields. Not so noble. It was greed, pure and simple that led to the war.

  68. Slavery did not exist in the South, it is all lies

  69. Great piece but there is a saying "THE FIRST law of the historian is that he shall never dare utter an untruth. The second is that he shall suppress nothing that is true. Moreover, there shall be no suspicion of partiality in his writing, or of malice.” ---- Cicero (106-43B.C.).

    I have no problem with slavery being discussed but it needs to be examined from every angle and means. We should be asking why would the United States allow and even propagate modern slavery without taking any steps to end it? There is sex traffic, mass slavery in the Middle East, corporations gathering chocolate for candy allowing 7 and 8 years to be sold into slavery to collect it. I am willing to bet you can’t or won’t give up that candy bar.

    I hate the way society judges the slave trade as “they” where better off in slavery than at home (not just Africa, but Ireland, Middle East or South American. The rest of the argument is “they” sold their families, other Negroes and others into slavery. If it had not been for greed no one would have been entered into the slave trade. NOTE Anti Southern sources are claiming there was no cases of Irish Slaves; I am working on a paper proving its existence.

    I don’t want to get too far off this particularly subject so please excuse my digress; slavery in the Americas was wide spread. Many Northern states had their “Black Code” not allowing blacks into their State. Using unbiased sources such as the Library of Congress, National Archives or the “Slaves Narratives” ( conduct your own research.

    You’ll find before the war there was little racism as you interpret racism Southroners and blacks had a different relationship. NOTE: I write historical not with emotions, my wife calls me “Spock”. Whites including abolitionist, Lincoln, Sherman felt blacks were inferior. Southerners looked at the relationship much like you would children or the family pet. You cared for them, fed them discipline them.

    A slave owner with a few slaves seldom if ever ordered physical punishment and for a number of reasons. The slave would be harder to work, to control; the slave would be more likely to flee and most importantly the slave might seek revenge. If you could not afford an overseer then you would be the one to face the music.

    A slave owner of means hired an overseer to handle slave matters, which would have been beneath the owner and he would never be presented during discipline. It was considered vulgar and beneath one of status. Now please don’t misunderstand this analogy, as I am not saying a black was on the level of a pet, I am trying to point out what society at the time thought of physical discipline. That was something along the lines of one of your neighbors mistreating his familys' livestock or pets, demeaning, cruel, a crude violent person.

    I write about the diaries of Southroners stating in part "[A]s to the idea of the faithful servant”, Catherine Edmondston of North Carolina therefore concluded, "it is all a fiction. I have seen the favorite and most petted negroes the first to leave in every instance”. “Those we loved best, and who loved us best--as we thought," fretted one Virginian”, were the first to leave us”. Mary Boykin Chesnutt, the famed Southern diarist and one of the South's most perceptive observers of slavery, understood the slave’s strategy. She wrote from her plantation: "Dick, the butler here, reminds me that when we were children, I taught him to read as soon as I could read myself. . . . But he won't look at me now. He looks over my head. He scents freedom in the air." Southroners could not understand why after being made part of the family they would run away. (This was pre-war).

    Then when the Union used the slave militarily the hatred began Southroners viewed it as betrayal, sinful against God.

  70. There are stories circulating about General Robert E. Lee whipping his slaves. When I proved the case in point was Lee having a runaway disciplined not one source corrected their articles where they had claimed he personally had administrated the beatings. They merely switched to Lee had them beat. I don’t have Virginia Slave Laws available but here in part is South Carolinas South Carolina slave code which included the following provisions:

    Slaves were forbidden to leave the owner's property unless accompanied by a white person, or with permission.

    If a slave left the owner's property without permission, "every white person" was required to chastise them.

    Any slave attempting to run away and leave the colony (later, the state) received the death penalty.

    Any slave who evaded capture for 20 days or more was to be publicly whipped for the first offense; branded with an "R" on the right cheek on the second offense; lose one ear if absent for thirty days on the third offense, and castrated on the fourth offense.

    Owners refusing to abide by the slave code were fined and forfeited their slaves.

    By the way contrary to the internet and many Southroners Lee did own his “own” slaves and while we are at it the claim of only 10% of Southroners owning slaves is in error it is closer to 30%.

    No one least of all me is condoning slavery it is more complex than you realize. You realize the Union allowed millions of blacks to die in Contraband camps? They used the United States Color Troops (USCT) as a shield union soldiers actually fired on the USCT.

    These monuments are not to White Power or slavery but the 15 year old who marched leaving bloody foot tracks in their wake and did so because they thought they were being loyal to their country. You cannot honor Union or USCT without realizing the bravery and sacrifices of Southerner boys.

    If you want to learn the truth about Fort Pillow and General Bedford Forrest come and join my blog or Face Book Group.

  71. some of these comments are sickening, racism will always exist. Many Europeans still believe that African Americans are the enemy, because they fear the powerful. We are decedents of kings and queens, yet the history channel will place a white woman or man or an Arabic to play the role of an African King or Queen. Why? to make sure we are powerless and uninformed about our true history. Europeans tell us to get over it yet we are being killed like animals in the street by so call police officers. We as people have to stop killing each other unite and take our rightful place as Kings and Queens. Protect our own because on other race cares.

  72. Hell this does not even take in to account the rapes the selling of children and break up of famlies

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  80. I literally came to know the history of slave with such a amazing article.

    fancy text

    1. Read my comment if you want more and accurate information on African American slavery.

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  88. Hello, Do you want to join the illuminati and be rich ,famous and powerful? for the rest of your life ? Benefits given to new member who join the illuminati $900,000,000 into your bank account...... $800,000 weekly salary......... A car value at $800.000....... Award contract worth $250,000,000....... A House in any country of your own choice. And a free visa to your dream country Total lifestyle changes?? if you are interested, e-mail: and also Whatsapp:+1(364) 202-5427 6⃣6⃣6⃣

  89. This is a good news to my life and my generations, i am so proud of the great illuminati brotherhood, i want to say a big thanks to the illuminati brotherhood in world, i have tried so many times to join the illuminati brotherhood, so that i can live a better life, but i was not lucky to meet the right people that will help me join this illuminati, i have been scammed so many times, and i was promise that i will receive my benefits as a member, all was scam and i was not happy about it, because i read in the internet that so many great men and women are all illuminati members, this was the reason i never stopped, because i know that when i meet the right illuminati, my life will be changed for good, because of this i still believe in the illuminati and continue search on the internet, i never give up because i have the hope and believe, i was born to make it in life, because my dad once told me that if you give up in life, life will also give up on you, because of this i never one give up, on till i meet the right agent of illuminati, that directed me on how to join the illuminati, brothers and sisters i wan t to use this opportunity to tell everyone that it is totally tree to join the illuminati, you don't need to spend any money to join, it is free don't pay any money to join illuminati, because i was scammed so many times, the real illuminati don't ask for money to join, when i was totally initiated, i was given so many benefits, in my induction day i was given a cash of $2,000,000,00 ring of protection to protect my self and my family, Car of my choice and mansion of my choice and etc, Brothers and Sisters who are interested to join the illuminati and you have been scammed so many times, don't give up i will now direct you to the real illuminati official email: or you can Call/Text WhatsApp Number +1 (508) 819 2672 You must have to know this that it is totally free to join the illuminati brotherhood.

  90. I have read nearly all of these post and not one mentioned or said anything about FREE AFRICAN AMERICAN SLAVE HOLDERS buying and selling black African Slaves. YES you are reading this correctly BLACK MEN and Women owned slaves. How many of you on this post were aware of this? Free blacks owned blacks from the beginning of American Colonialism until the end of the American Civil War. Their motives was the same as any man; Wealth...Black slave owners wanted what money could buy and with black slaves they didn't have to pay for labor. Historians have said very little about Free Black Slave Owner, but in reality there have been thousands in the 250 years of North American slavery. Many Free Black Slave Owners strongly supported the Southern States fight for independence. They provided financial support, foods for both soldiers and animals and often offered the services of their slaves. They had a great deal invested and didn't want the south to change. Now for my own education on the subject. I was on vacation in Charleston South Carolina in 2008. We were waiting for the ferry boat to take us to Fort Sumter. At the ferry terminal where we waited in a newly built facility were posters. IO read these poster while I waited on the ferry. Their was a large poster approximately 5 feet by 7 feet displaying a Free African American being served by a African American slave. In bold letter the poster stated and I'm paraphrasing that Black Americans owned Black American slaves. This has set me on a 12 year journey to learn more about Former slaves owning slaves. I have many friends of many colors and nationalities and NONE have no knowledge of this Historical Fact that could help educate everyone on each and everyone's history. I have followed Professor Henry Louis Gates of Harvard University articles on many historical journeys and found some important facts on this subject. Explore for yourselves and learn your history. You may be surprised to find that you are not a descendent of a white slave owner but a free Black Slave Owners. It is calculated that today in 2020 there are millions of Africa American descendent ancestors of African American Slave holders.

  91. I want going to comment as this posts a bit old now, but just wanted to say thanks. aazoopark

  92. We offer you help and tutorial for SPSS and statistical analysis so that you have no hassle in analyzing and finding the result of your hard raw research and data for your academic needs.

  93. it was Gordon then and it is George Floyd as of now(25/5/2020) in Minneapolis USA. Nothing much has changed. But I keeep wondering why the Whites (Pinks) hate Blacks? What crime did we commit by being created with the Black skin? And do they know that IT IS THE BLACK SKIN THAT HAS SEEN US MANAGE TO SURVIVE OR RESIST THEIR CORONA VIRUS? Black skin is a badge of honor and god is with us. The cross Atlantic slave trade has a very high price for the traders (capitalistic). I suggest, every Blackman or woman should relinquish foreign names and their religions (Christianity and islam). These were the very people who castrated, starved and murdered our ancestors and they can't turn around and claim to be spiritually or morally right that we should emulate them. Rip Bob Marley,,,we really need to emancipate ourselves from Mental Slavery now and not tomorrow

  94. Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written article. I’ll make sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. Thanks for the post. I’ll definitely return. pictaram


  95. I want to use this opportunity to thank( Mr Robert Morris) who finally helped me to become a full member of the Great Illuminati Brotherhood and now i am living my life in happiness. and I was once indigent and live my life in extreme poverty and the standard of living became so poor and low that I even taught of killing myself, and he told me to get ready for my initiation day and that all new members has a certain reward of $ 10,0000,000 USD on your initiation day. so i was initiated to the Illuminati world and few days i was awarded a contract worth of Thousands of Dollars, in my business i am doing very well right now, I did exactly what i was ask to do and today the story has change, I am a living testimony, my dream and all the wealth, fame, success and riches, i have ever desired is been made a reality. All the same thanks to Mr Robert Morris who made my dreams a reality by helping me become a member of the great Illuminati. Hurry up now you can whats-app him on +234 9057263057 or call him (+2349016938501 or email us

  96. Hello everyone i was browsing the internet and i saw a lot of
    wrong quote concerning the ILLUMINATI SOCIETY, i felt bad about
    it, i want to let you know few things about the ILLUMINATI SOCIETY.
    First, i join the ILLUMINATI SOCIETY through the help of an agent
    someone introduced me to online, after years of determination to be
    a member. being a member of the ILLUMINATI your wealth is
    guarantee, you will be protected, fame, power influence e.t.c all these they will give you. one thing i want to correct is that the ILLUMINATI
    don’t pay member any salary, if you are newly initiated they will give
    you the seed of wealth and bless you with wisdom, power, influence
    e.t.c you need to be successful. the seed of wealth is the only money
    the ILLUMINATI SOCIETY give to their member, with this you can
    start anything with the money and you will be successful. Another
    thing is that the society have special blessing for politicians and
    super stars. Being an ILLUMINATI member is a personal decision, the
    society don’t force or beg people to join them. i joined because i want to,
    no body force me and am very happy to be a member today because
    they have contributed greatly to my life by making me one of the
    leading business man in the world. If you are interested in joining
    the ILLUMINATI SOCIETY contact agent SIR ROBERT MORIS on or whatsapp +2349057263057
    or call him on 2349016938501, or email him @ he was the one that help me, this is the little help I can give to you


    I believe we all have a dream, a dream to become something big in life, so many people die today without accomplishing their dreams. Some of us are destined to become the president of our various countries or to become. one of the world's greatest musicians, footballers, politicians, businessmen, comedians or to be a helper to other people that are in need Note; newly recruited members are entitled to great benefits and rewards, There is no human sacrifice. If you are truly interested in joining the illuminati contact us today for more Information WhatsApp:+1(234)248-7286 OR +919205107358

  98. STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON FAKE PEOPLE WHO CLAIM TO BE AN AGENT I WAS SCAMED 4TIMES NOT UNTIL I RECIEVE A MESSAGE ON MY WHATSAPP TO CONTACT MR HARRIS WHICH I DID NOW I AM A FULL MEMBER OF THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD BE WHAT YOU WHICH FOR IN LIFE BY JOINING THE GREAT ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY Further encouraging the rumours is the widespread use of supposed "Illuminati" imagery in music videos. Many Freemason and Illuminati symbols, like devil horns and the all-seeing eye, have simply become popular in mainstream culture. But it's also true that some musicians seem to enjoy deliberately playing with symbols connected to secret societies.if you are interested contact via whatsapp or call +14092993890 GOOD LUCK.

  99. I am a very happy person today because i am now a full and bona-fide member of the great ILLUMINATI. I want to quickly Say a big thanks World Illuminati Organizations the agent of the brotherhood who introduced me to becoming a member of the great Brotherhood brothers and sisters here is my story. I was told by a friend that to become a member of the brotherhood is Very difficult, so i was thinking that i can never get the right link to join because i was scammed by three people whom i meant on the Internet and they promised to help me join but they never did. They collected my money and i was never initiated into the brotherhood. Until i was introduced to World Illuminati Organizations and he told me the truth that those in USA Don’t pay any money from their pocket to become a member of the Illuminati, and i am an American. so i was very Interested i called the temple messenger number, the temple messenger Told me what i need to do, i did it and i was initiated i did not pay a dine from my money to become a member. But i was told that those living outside USA may have to do certain things for the purchase of their initiation materials. But those living within the square of USA don’t pay a dine. I followed all instructions and after my initiation, I was given all the benefit of becoming a member. As i talk to you am very okay and my future have been settled. I am well protected and i am wealthy and famous. Please if you wish to become a member of the great Illuminati contact Agent on the Devil Church, ( Those in other countries outside the USA can contact the international agent on call Or WhatsApp +2348115754306. And generally anyone who wishes to become a real member can send email to ( Become a member today and enjoy the benefit of life.

  100. I'm recommending Dr Aza to everyone who have herpes simplex virus to get the cure from him. I was diagnose of genital herpes in 2019 and i have been searching and asking questions to see if i could get something to cure the disease because i did not believe what the doctors say that no cure is found yet. I came across a comment on Youtube and the person testify how she was cured from herpes and hpv after using Dr Aza herbal medicine. I quickly contact Dr Aza and explain my problem to him and he prepare the herbs and send it to me through UPS and gave me instructions on how to use it and tell me to go for checkup after usage which i did after two weeks of taken the herbal medicine and my result was NEGATIVE. I waited another month and retested the result was still NEGATIVE and my doctor told me that am completely free from herpes. Am so happy and grateful to Dr Aza for what he has done for me and i will continue to share this for people out there to know that there is cure for herpes. You can contact Dr Aza on email and WhatsApp to get the cure from him. and WhatsApp +1(315) 795 1518 or visite his website at ...

  101. A man in Hungary who just bought a Ferrari wrecked the brand-new sports car just minutes after leaving the car dealership. A video shows the Ferrari, which cost more than £1 million (54.1 million baht), suddenly veering off the road and smashing into parked cars. It is not clear how the accident happened, but it appears that the driver was unprepared for car's enormous horsepower, and lost control of the car when he accelerated too hard trying to change lanes. Luckily, no one was injured in the accident.
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  102. i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr. Ohunyom cured my HPV virus that have been in my body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr. Ohunyom the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr. Ohunyom that can get you cured completely. you can contact his Email and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973 And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC

  103. It occurs to me that the reason why most people are definitely inflicting fear in their mind while applying to join the illuminati brotherhood is due to the conspiracy theory surrounding the Illuminati or rather the fear of getting scammed along the process. If you're reading my comment on this site then count yourself lucky because my mission is to lead whosoever is willing to embrace the light of the Illuminati Brotherhood to the right path of the journey. Before I elaborate further, I would like to inform you that joining the Illuminati Brotherhood does not require human sacrifice nor will you be asked to pay for Registration fee or whatever. As a member of the Illuminati Brotherhood, my advice to every interested new individual is before contacting the illuminati official inbox for initiation via you must be mentally sound and also be loyal to the process if you want to reach your potential. The brotherhood is an organisation of no regret because it consists of serving it's members adequately, that's the reason every newly initiated members are entitled to their cash and materialistic benefits so that you can differentiate yourself from non members of the organization. I vividly remembered an old saying ''IF YOU'RE NOT INFORMED THEN YOU'RE DEFORMED''. If after reading my comment and you still have that benefit of doubt, please don't bother to join. The Illuminati organisation only accepts mentally sound individuals who have the potential in them, so therefore if your mind is made up to join, kindly Call/Text/ Whatsapp +1(667) 666-4167 immediately and follow up the process and your life will never remain the same

  104. Are you interested in joining the Illuminati brotherhood for riches and fame to success in life. This is an open invitation for anyone. JOIN THE ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD TODAY AND BECOME RICH AND FAMOUS WHATSAPP: +2349023046719. Are you a business man or woman, politician, musician, student? Do you want to be rich, famous, powerful in life? Join the Illuminati brotherhood today to achieve your goals and receive an instant sum of $ 10,000,000.00 USD in cash with a free home anywhere. you choose to live in this world. The Illuminati brotherhood offers you wealth, powers, and fame. You can achieve all your dreams by becoming a member today. Note: The Illuminati brotherhood does not accept human sacrifice and does not share human blood. If you are over 18 years old and interested in joining ILLUMINATI SOCIETY, call / Whats-app: +2349023046719 or email: (

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  106. Hello everyone I am Mr Smith Benson from USA, I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in south Africa and Nigeria, I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all avail, I was afraid to contact any Illuminati agent because they have eat my money. One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Paul mark of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a Nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a Nigeria agent eat my $5,000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Paul mark and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, for those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT MR PAUL MARK call +2349130700648 or WhatsApp him +2349130700648 or email:

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