Editor's note: This story comes from the website, Artworks By Matt Branson. Finding Anastacia's story in English has been a challenge, but this author seems to be from the UK and has the essence of the story correct (my Portuguese is sketchy at best, but from what I've been able to translate his version of the story rings true). I've seen this iconic image of the cruelties of slavery, but I haven't, until this day, been able to locate the backstory of the masked woman.
From my understanding and research, it appears that the Portuguese/Brazilian slave holders possessed this strange propensity to mask their enslaved population. One can just imagine the agony of wearing an iron bridle in the subtropic heat, day in and day out. The utter misery and torment of enslavement coupled with an unbearable torture devise like the "dirt eating mask" must have yielded untold suffering for those wearing these vile devices. Add on to that the burdensome iron slave collar with prongs for extra torture, along with enslavement in perpetuity and the hopeless tyranny of enslavement seems too extreme to wrap your mind around.--Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
So, on with the story from Matt Branson: "I had lived in Rio De Janero for a few years. One day while out down town, I came across a little head of a black girl wearing an iron mask. I had already collected quite a few strange looking statues and thought she would fit in just fine with the rest of them. She pecked my curiosity and I wanted to know more about her."
The story I discovered concerning this new, small statue, was about a child named Anastacia. A black female slave brought from the west coast of Africa to Brazil. Her mother had been forcibly taken by her white owner for his physical pleasures. A child was conceived, the first black child to be born with blue eyes. The cruelty and guilt of this plantation owner drove him to have the baby sent far away, concealing from his wife his indiscretion as well as his violence.
"A man I had met in Rio first told me the tale of Anastacia and of the church in which her image is honored. The truth is that little remains to prove her existence. Two accounts exist, the one above and the following narrative, both of which explain my interest in this amazing woman. My experiences in life, and particularly in Brazil, leads me to believe she truly was a real person. " -MATTHEW BRANSON The Story of Anastacia - The Slave Girl
Based on oral tradition and translated from a Brazilian website Worshipped in Brazil as a saint and heroine, Anastacia is considered one of the most important woman in black history within the culture of Rio de Janeiro. "Her story still has the power to move us to awe and compassion and for that reason alone, I want to make her real to those that don't know about her."

Escrava Anastacia

Very beautiful, It is said that all the white women around were jealous of her, so encouraged Joaquin to make her wear the slave mask. As a punishment for repeatedly refusing his advances, he raped her and condemned her to wear the iron mask for the rest of her life, only removing it once a day to eat. She lived for some years before the toxicity of the metal from the mask became poisonous.
Some accounts claim she was performing miracles toward the end of her life. It became gossip amongst the poor that she could heal because she had found it in her heart to forgive the torture she had suffered, and that she even healed her owner's son of some disease. At that moment she became a saint for many of the poor.

Some continue today petitioning Rome, to have her canonized as St. Anastacia of Rio. There is a statue and a place of worship in Vas Lobo, where pilgrims flock to worship her. She has more than twenty-eight million followers, though I was surprised to find that most of the Brazilian's I have met have never heard of her.

She is exclusive to the poor of Rio and the descendants of slaves. Some link her image with a number of paintings by Etienne Victor Arago (b. 1755 d. 1855), a French watercolourist who traveled in Brazil sometime between 1817-1820. His known works portrayed gold mining slaves who were also forced to wear iron masks, so as not to hide or swallow gold nuggets while they were digging.
She died in Rio after years of agony, her remains were housed in the Church of Rosario, in downtown Rio, but disappeared after a fire. Anastacia became a religious myth, performing miracles, even until today. Many people continue to pray to her when they are sick. Then they are healed.

Punishment for slaves. Painting of African person with neck shackled and mouth muzzled. Jacques Etienne Arago. Castigo de Escravos, 1839. English: Punishiment for slaves. Português: Castigo de Escravo. Museu Afro Brasil (São Paulo).
Her history was miraculously recovered in 1968, when an exhibition to celebrate 90 years of the abolition of slavery was held in the Church of Rosario. In the back of the church was found a portrait of her by Arago. "As you can see, there are a few different accounts of her existence, of Anastacia, the slave girl. She would have been forgotten entirely if it hadn't been for a portrait by Arago.
Mystery is part of her story as it is part of the life of this French painter who sailed the seas between Australia and South America. There are conflicting tales as to whether or not Arago is buried in Paris or in Rio itself.

Human Rights are for all of us and slavery is not a condition for humanity. I continuously lived in Brazil from 1985 to 1992. Around 1987, a television news broadcast in Rio said authorities had found a farmer in the middle of nowhere in rural Brazil, who operated his farm with all his workers in chains. He repeatedly advertised jobs through the press in Sao Paulo and when anyone arrived to work, he made a slave of them, one-hundred and ten years after the abolition of slavery. How can we be so unconscious as to not know about these things? How can we be apathetic to the conditions of others? I would like to put Anastacia into the history books, in Brazil and everywhere else. She represents the suffering of people that have been forgotten and are still being ignored today. I hope you see my point of view, and can appreciate my art, for her sake.
It wasn't until years later, that I discovered the meaning of the name Anastacia -- it means "Resurrection". (source: http://www.mattbranson.co.uk/page4.htm)

The child most certainly was not the first slave born with blue eyes, as both the mother and father would have to carry the gene for blue eyes for the child to be born with blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteI think that was the point. The slave owners white wife was angry because her husband was sleeping with his black slaves.
DeleteIt's quite deep, because it means that the black slave woman was just as sexually desirable as the white free woman. And if you live in an a racialized hierarchy of white supremacy and white over black domination, then how do you explain these mixed race people? If white women were superior sex partners, then why were the RICHEST men with the most WEALTH who can choose ANY sexual partner on the planet (remember the slave trade was global) and the person they chose to hold them tight and rock them all night long was a black woman, not a blonde-haired blue-eyed European, but an enslaved African. Now that's some deep stuff.
--Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
As a white woman, I have never understood how white people could be attracted to people with black skin; I just don't "get it". Its too different for my tastes, and for most of the white ppl I know.
Delete**SPOILER ALERT** Men have been attracted to the female vagina since Adam and Eve. You can drop the needle down on any historical record at any time in history and you will find males and females copulating.
DeleteMenstruation plus Ejaculation equals Procreation. That's life in a nutshell.
Furthermore, nobody gives a crap who or whom you are personally attracted to (this story isn't about YOU), the historical record is rife with miscegenation (each and every race of men had sex with foreign women -- the vagina is a universally appealing sexual orifice for heterosexual males).
--Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
Anonymous-How ignorant a ststement is that! Of course you don't "get it". Ignorance and greed is the reasons behind so much pain and suffering of the human race, thus that is why articles such as these are written, we can not avoid the truth. I hate to say this, but it is the truth that I have seen all my life, white people has been the cruelest, most ignorant, blood thirsty, greediest race of people on the planet! they are responsible for some of the most evil ways to bring pain and suffering to those they want to...to get what they want! if you have it and they want it, they just take it, by any means possible. on judgement day, there is going to be a field day! And I am not racist.
DeleteI totally disagree with Anonymous,
DeleteHumans have the best and the worse qualities of all and that does not applies to a race... That is ignorance also and prejudice. If you are palestinian you will say the same from Jewish.. If you were native from Mexico and Peru you were trated the same by the group in power and so the same with the tribes in Africa, What about Idi Amin, is not about race is about Us and having power... as simple as that, we need to become educated to understand that if you give people a chance to do bad some may do it despite of their race..
You seem to have a fantasy about white men seeking the Holy Grail that can only be found in a black woman's vagina. A vagina is pink, therefore the preference of a white man preferring a black vagina over a white woman (or any other color of skin) is ... well ... bunk. What Joaquin did, along with many other slave owners, was to - as you pointed out - rape Anasatcia.
DeleteSome men see sex as dirty. These same men put their wives on such high pedestals that they don't want to "dirty" their wives with sex. This is why you see so many men turn to prostitutes. When a man rapes a woman, it has everything to do with power and nothing, at all, to do preference. The only things that get communicated during rape is hate and lack of power. Hate and lack of power transcends color, sexuality, preference and any other qualifier you can think of.
If making love to a woman is of any preference, it is because that woman has special meaning to that man. It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with the person themselves. Sexual prowess transcends skin color. A good lover is not evaluated by how well he, or she, can rape or be raped. Sexual prowess is defined by the couple themselves, between themselves. Any person, black or white, male or female, can be a good lover with proper communication. To separate this out by race is, at the very least, ignorant, or racist at best.
Other than this, the story is a great story in that tragic "Why are people so cruel?" sort of way.
I definitely agree that people are cruel beyond belief. I think the mask had more to do with what she was saying then what she looked like because the mask did not hide her eyes but did prevent her from talking. In another article I read it said she was encouraging other slaves to run for freedom and that is why she is considered a Saint.
DeleteI do not think the focus of the article is the blue-eyed slave. The point of the article is horrendous treatment of a human being, held in bondage against her will. Raped, tortured and forced to endure intolerable cruelty for years. Who cares if she was the 1st slave with blue eyes or the last slave born with blue eyes. The inhuman cruelty and disgusting treatment speaks for itself.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Deleteyou white ppl always want to deny us but guess what we are more sexy and your mad because the white man craves this black beautiful skin im in
Deleterape is about power,none the less but it's also about sex,hate, and preference. When people rape they do have a preference. In this story and any other story about slavery it had nothing to do with the black woman being dirty and them dirtying their wives, that' stupid. It had everything to do with sex and the fact that they could do what they wanted with them because to some of them the were just property but others loved them more and wanted to be with them outside their wives. Now you say you could never see black skin as being desirable but, truth be told, when you love some one or if you can ever look beyond the skin of a person or get pass all the stereotype you hear about black skin or what you think you know then you will see what we already know and what more people are seeing. black skin is beautiful because we come in all different colors. I carmel skin ,born w/ blonde hair and light brown eyes. stop being small minded about stuff cause truth is you can only see things from your small white suburban neighborhood.
To the white woman not attracted to "dark"skin.you only feel that way because you were conditioned through media and commercial outlets that black skin and black features are undesirable.furthermore,what are you doing reading this article if you are not attracted to "black"skin.something attracted you to this page.
DeleteThe child could be born with blue eyes because the father would have had blue eyes. It os 2018 and the ignorance on here astounds me. Black skin brown skin that is so because of melanin is beautiful. All people are beautiful in someones eyes. Blue or brown. We all and i mean all walked from Africa fact. Deny it all you want but racism is fear and self loathing.
DeleteMake a right and positive choice for this chance of opportunity for you today to be among the 10 lucky persons that the great Illuminati wants to admit and makes them wealthy, famous and rich in business, music, politically, socially and economically and also entitled to a sum of $1,000,000.00 (One Million United States Dollars) with a free home of their choice to live in the world. And $700,000 as monthly income and also been giving money to start up a business of their choice and a guaranteed long life. Interested persons should try their luck by applying through the email below so i can forward it ok.. Email: joseilluminati0@gmail.com OR Call/Text: +13603422391
That's ridiculous. I have siblings who have bluish eyes and reddish hair and my dad is dark-skinned of East Indian ancestry while my mother is very light-skinned, mixed with Irish and
Deletehas light brown eyes.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat about adaptation? There are Black people with naturally blond hair. So why couldnt she have blue eyes.
DeleteYou're kidding, right? Rape and slavery are synonymous. Just like shackles, branding irons, whips, leg irons, iron slave collars, paddling, maiming, hamstringing, disemboweling, cutting of ears, castrating , ripping off breasts -- these were ALL permissible and legal punishments during slavery. Rape seems positively civilized in light of breast ripping and hamstringing.
Actually, abuse of slaves was illegal in most Southern US states; the laws of Alabama, for example, provided stiff fines for slaveowners who abused their slaves, esp. if death resulted.
DeleteActually it WAS illegal, that doesn't mean it was enforced though. I'm a history major with emphasis on women's history, which includes the history of free AND slave women.
DeleteI'm black and was born w/blonde hair and both my parents are black and neither have my hair color. Truth be told the roots from my ancestors run deep in all our family's
DeleteTo the women who said she is not attracted to black skin people hell some of us think you pink people stinks
DeleteI am a product of a interracial couple. I grew up in the south and white men have always had a scary fetish with me. I was warned to stay away from white men and with good judgement. As a child i remember them always trying to touch my skin and the white ladies being very cruel to me. I have olive skin and jet black hair with green eyes. I agree a different combo but they should have never treated me as if i was an animal. Glad times have changed a tad bit.
DeleteBlack people are born with brown hair if they are fully black then thick hair never is a black person with blonde hair except for albinasm and everything is white.coming from a black person myself.
DeleteI live in south Alabama. I grew up in the 70s and must say that I have always thought that slavery must have been horrifying. I have sat on the front porch with my grandfather with several of his employees who were black. I was raised that "they" were good people just trying to make a life for themselves. As I grew and became curious I did a lot of reading. First it was accounts from the white owners side and later as more were published life from a slaves side. I was shocked by stories I read. Accounts of children taken at young ages from parents and sold,the parents never knowing where they went. As a mother I can imagine the pain they must have felt.
ReplyDeleteI have been watching the genealogy research shows on NBC and PBS,again I was further mortified by what I was hearing. To grow up as a half sibling to your owner or attendant to them all through their life and to KNOW you are of the same blood but not free as they were,could never have the same as they did must have been unbearable.
The story I read above moved me,which is why I am posting. Yes there was a fine but not TO the slaveowner. Usually that was if they had "loaned" out a slave and it was a replacement fee for the slave lost. I know my family owned slaves now. I would like to think they took "good care" of them and were not indifferent abusers to them. I know the odds of that are not good. I feel shame at the thought of their enslavement by my ancestors but I know that it was not me who did this. I believe in equality for all and speak out when I feel someone is wronged. I guess what I am saying is that I want people to know that I am not some backwoods racist.
Most people know so little about slavery that they wouldn't be able to discern between a so called "backwoods racist" and someone who was descended from slave owners. First and foremost, slave ownership was a rich man's game. The poor backwoods run-of-the-mill racist weren't in the same economic or social class as slave owners.
DeleteI think that is the crux of where irrational racism stems from. It's not that somebody has a different skin color or anything, but in their heart of hearts the poor backwoods folks know that when the richest people in the state, county or town had their pick of labor the wealthy landed gentry chose black enslaved labor. They even used the poor whites as cannon fodder to keep and expand this labor system. First as slave patrols, then conscripted them into the Confederate Army, then they were used to break the unions, disenfranchise voters, to keep wages low and the moneyed plutocrats in power.
If you think about it, public education in the south started AFTER the Civil War when the black freedmen gained their franchise and rights to education. The rich planter class kept the white folks just as ignorant as their enslaved laboring caste. The only group who could afford education were the merchants and planters.
And isn't it ironic that that same wealthy class wants to make public education private again. They whip the white underclass up into a frothy frenzy against Affirmative Action (which helps more white women than blacks of any gender) they get them to defund public education and privatize public education money for the benefit of the rich and powerful.
Sometimes we need LEARN history. It's NEVER the poor man who enslaves.
--Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
You, sir, are amazing, as your blog shows. I hope when I'm not so ill I can come back and say more, but I could not move on in my day without giving you my heartfelt thanks and congratulations on such an amazing, ongoing achievement of a blog.
DeleteLew Porche July 1,2012 5:48pm
ReplyDeleteI'm a Gullah-Geechee native of Charleston SC. My family has been here for at least two generations before the Civil War. I'm very grateful that we are seeing a realistic conversation about the truth of my family's history. Please consider the work that we are presently doing with our living culture by checking out (Gullahgeecheecorridor.org)
It's quite deep, because it means that the black slave woman was just as sexually desirable as the white free woman. And if you live in an a r...
ReplyDeleteYou are confusing sex w/rape. Which has nothing to do w/desirability and everything to do w/aggression, power and control. Same as daddy crawling into bed w/his 9y/o or a stranger crawling through a window choosing an 80 y/o bedridden woman to rock his world . They aren't raised higher by this. Nothing deep here. All are vulnerable, available and powerless.
I agree. I'm not diminishing or whitewashing the violence of rape. At the forefront of human enslavement is violence. The images on this site depict the violent nature of slavery, this site is an educational site that seeks to uncover the ugly spaces of our collective history.
DeleteThat being said, the desirability of black women also not be negated. The heart's desire complicates the historical narrative. There are many instances of just outright rape and sexual brutality (I usually don't post much on that, since the women were already brutalized I don't need to be an historic pervert reenacting those stories) .... but, there are way too many stories of unofficial marriages and second families of slave owners and their enslaved women to ignore.
Just off the top of my head I could point to Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson (consensual relationship? Maybe not, but a 40 year relationship nonetheless); Lumpkin of Lumpkin's slave jail in Virginia, he was one of the biggest domestic slave trading middlemen in North America and he had an enslaved "wife" who he left his money and his land, after the Civil War she donated the land to build a black school that is now Virginia Union; The Ball Family (from the book "Slaves in the Family") had an uncle who claimed to be a "confirmed bachelor" yet lived with his enslaved domestic for 40 years and had 5 sons by her; or Lord Mansfield's nephew (the judge of the Summerset Case in London) I posted the paintings of his two grandnieces one is black an one is white, the little black girl named Dito was the child of Lord Mansifeld's nephew (who was a captain of a slave ship) and his slave mistress ... the list goes on and on ... All of these wealthy men could have married white women, but they CHOSE to be with their black slave girls. Life is just complex.
Accordingly, there is a post about the slave girl Celia who killed her rapist slave owner ... she was hung, but she killed her oppressor.
Again rape is an inexcusable violent crime, but so is slavery. Institutional slavery embodies an historical crime scene ... as such, we should tape it off and examine it.
Thanks for reading and commenting on this blog.
-- Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
To The anonymous commenter
ReplyDeleteI am shocked out of a story of hardship and pain the only lesson that you pulled out of it was
"you could never sleep with another race"
DeleteTo the anonymous commenter,are you trying to say the white skin is more desireable than black skin. If so it shows that subconciously you still have the mentality that was used against black women to make us feel "ugly", less attractive and less desireable than your race. Let me tell you something I am proud of my "black skin" my beauty is unlike any you would ever find in this world. My race is a strong beautiful race and if I'm sure if I were to bleach my skin I would turn white same if u stay in the sun long enough you'd darken so my dear I always ask who was here first ur just a watered down version of black!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl! Speak for the world!
DeleteAgreed! Your preference don't mean anything! Black is beautiful! Stay out the sun if ya hate us so much! I love everybody but I hate ignorance!
Delete😍💪🏽💯 Love It .. Our Black Is Beautiful Baby ! They Know ; Cuz They Just Dying To B Apart & I Ain't Lying
DeleteBeauty is from within. Racial traits are a myth. The spread of talent ( musical, mathematical, artistic), intellect (and lack of it), has no racial bias. Human-ness is equal across all races. Irish are not 'dumb', Asian brains not better at maths. Music ability is a human gift. Culture/nurture and family does foster and develop particular skills for sure, but science tells us our brains, all human brains, have the same potential and ability (across a large population of course). Race has NO effect on our brains. skin colour is pigment only - skin deep. Facts are facts. The conversation could be "Hey, I inherited crap from my culture and parrents that is limiting my world and has no scientific base. I can change this. Will you help me? Thanks mate!"
Deleteto speak on the last part in quotations...Culture of Colonizers is limiting. Culture of People from the African Diaspora is limitless and has everything to do with connection an not divide and conquer like historical Caucasian Culture. So if you experience with your culture is limiting then reevaluate your perspective of the various tribes of ethnicity that inhabits all corners of the world as Aborigine/Natives.
DeleteAnonymous commenter.
ReplyDeleteI'm a white woman, and I live with my white boyfriend, however, I have rarely met a white person that does not find at least one black person attractive and I know several extremely attractive people of all races. I cannot believe that you felt it appropriate to post racist and discriminating views on a blog completely about slaves. How dare you read through what you just read, think of the hardship and complete cruelty those people went through and then think anyone on here wants to hear your comments.
You may be into white people only, and that's fine, but you've made yourself look like a foolish ignorant pug and people reading your comment could get the wrong idea about other people. Look at how beautiful many black women are, for example beyonce. I doubt there are many men alive, of all races that would not find her sexually desirable. And who is to say that there were not slaves just as beautiful. You read the horrifying story of a poor little girl and commented like that, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Ron needs to add a "thumbs-up" key for the commenting section, because your reply not only deserves a hearty "thumbs-up," but a "high five" and a "body bump." Thanks for making my day.
Delete**Ron, you need to update your comment section **
You girl girl!!!
DeleteI thought it was "go girl"?
DeleteI am Afro-Brazilian and I adore you for posting this. Knowing ones history and culture helps mold me. Obrigado! Muito beijos @braziliancocoa
ReplyDeleteHurrah, that's what I was looking for, what a stuff! existing here at this blog, thanks admin of this web site.
ReplyDeleteAlso visit my page how much should i weigh chart
Hi Ron, do you know the artist behind the 8th image you have used please? The one which is predominately brown and has the 'roses' on the front of the dress? I've tried several searches and image searches but your site's the only reference to it I can find.
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance
Ellen Sedgwick:
DeleteThe artist is Roberto Custodio's "Saint Slave Anastacia," 2008, 19 x 13.75 inches, collage, india ink on paper board
Here's a link http://robertocustodio.exto.org/kunstwerk/14468618_SAINT+SLAVE+ANASTACIA.html#.Ues0xCFDtZw
So blue eyes can only come from white people?
ReplyDeleteBlue eyes are a genetic mutation. Any race can have blue eyes if the stronger genes parent (usually the male) carries the mutation
DeleteI am reading 'King Leopold'd Ghost' and came here by way of researching more about William Sheppard. THis is quite an incredible blog and I appreciate what little I have learned here so far. I am sorry there are such idiots who post offensive comments and want to say thank you for hosting such a wealth of information. I pray one day humankind will treat one another ( as well as other sentient creatures )with kindness and compassion. It is horrific what we have done to one another over the ages. thank you once again.
ReplyDeleteI'm Brazilian and I've been to this church. I had a figurine of Anastacia's and I would pray for her as a child. Her story is well known in the city of Rio, but not in other Brazilian cities. I came to know about her because my Mom was from Rio and she would take me to many churches there. I remember I saw chains used to tie up slaves being displayed at this church.
ReplyDeleteAs I'm Brazilian and the daughter of a native from Rio, I can help you guys to get some more articles about Anastacia. I can even translate them into Engligh. You can get through to me on my blog or on Google +. Just for curiosity: they're singing Anastacia is the daughter of an Orisha in this song. This orisha is Oshum, the goddess of Love in the Yoruba religion. I'm not so sure she was of Yoruba descent. I have to do some research on it
ReplyDeleteYes! More articles on Anastacia translated into English would be excellent! She has become an iconic figure on this site. I have a 20 year old nephew that is completely fascinated with her story as well as how she is remembered.
DeleteMy personal e-mail is scared4america@gmail.com, you can send me whatever, whenever ... all the same, it would be greatly appreciated.
I speak Portuguese like a newborn (If you've ever heard a newborn speak, then you would understand the limitation of my language skills), and I read Portuguese like a 3 year old. I can pick through the language better when it is written, than when it is spoken. That being said, the language barrier should not stop seekers for knowledge. If you can share more or shed some more light, my readers and I will be quite grateful.
Thanks for your comments.
-- Ron Edwards, US Slave Blog
This site is a beautiful wealth of information it makes my soul exhale. Every article I have read eases my curiosities a lil more. I have imagined the cruelties that my ancestors must have suffered and my thoughts were confirmed, not that that puts a smile on my face but it keeps me grounded because the world of today almost seems to want to forget who really built this country and the sacrifices that were forced in order for the freedoms of 2014 to be exercised so carelessly by many people today.
DeleteSou brasileiro, Hoje fui visitar uma senzala (local onde eram confinados os escravos) e a sensação de sofrimento é enorme. Local escuro, úmido e cheio e sem ventilação. A maldade humana é terrível.
ReplyDeleteHey there! I'm Brazilian and I'm on my last year of Translation Studies so if you want, I can search and translate some material about Anastacia. And just to add, yes, slavery in Brazil was horrifying. My email: amanda.cmoreira@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteAnonymousJune 9, 2012 at 6:09 PM
ReplyDeleteAs a white woman, I have never understood how white people could be attracted to people with black skin; I just don't "get it". Its too different for my tastes, and for most of the white ppl I know.
As a black woman, I have never understood how black people could be attracted to people with white skin; I just don’t get it. It is too different for my tastes and for most of the black people I know. So take that!
DeleteAnd for the record.... "African American" do not have black skin!!!!
In truth we are colored, but labeled, "African Americans" ("I've never been there and wasn't born there, so I don't it". However, now, we have now a variety of skin complexions and eye color's, and so much... that who are you 2012 Anonymous, to say anything ... Shxt, I bet I can tell when you get angry or mad, don't your face turn redish dark pinkish? Or, When you're healing from getting that butt whipped by your bf, don't you turn colors other then white, or black lol? When you get chilly, or cold, your nose turn red, and your lips might get a little blue, right? Or No? Ok, how about when you do anything outside inside, or whatever which requires your move, you're skin reacts with color... So .... Um..... anyway.... we are all human. but here's one for you, blacks may not be dominate right now, (oh it's coming) but we sure know it's coming, and before I go ...
All colors come from black, FIRST! YOU just gotta add your color (race) or another to get something else... other then "just black"...
For example, the color black is on the blog page, I know I have never seen anyone this damn black!
I was going to stay out of this because you,ms."I JUST DON'T GET IT" are being schooled, but SADLY you continue to spew bile.......I WILL PRAY FOR YOUR PITIFUL SOUL, I'm sorry for whatever happened to you that has made you so ANGRY at us.........AFRICAN KINGS AND QUEENS. PEACE TO YO SISTER.
Deletema'am its 2018 everybody doesnt have to date their own skin color they can date who ever they want love is love and it has no labels i am dating a white boy that i have been dating for 4 years now I love him and he loves me so i know its youre opinian but i just wanted to say that
DeleteSome white's and blacks are ignorant, but to make a statement like that, makes you the ugly duckling on the page, not that little girl.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a flying Front door, what you're preference is, "white woman with white boyfriend, who don't find or anyone you know, find blacks unattractive.
Well that's you're own preference and your families, however.... Every culture have a good looking crew and then there's the other's.... So don't bash black for being desired over white women, back in those days. Every man lusted and desired the Gold Mine between a black womans leg's. It's that super power.... ANyWAy, I'm sad this happened to this young girl....no one deserves a torture, especially not that ....
Her eyes made her all the more beautiful, and white women like the one who finds blacks ugly, are probably like the women who put the torture device on the little girl.
You gotta just pray for those kinds.....
That's exactly why they put that muzzle on that beautiful girl. That white woman was jealous. I mean I'm not gonna lie, if my husband choose a beautiful black woman with blue eyes I'd be jealous too. Not enough to muzzle a girl to death, but jealous nonetheless. I get that white girl up there has preferences and all but how she said it was distasteful and this article did not ask her what her preferences were. This is coming from a white woman please don't associate all white woman with that chick up there. Not all of us are jealous of black women that we hate you. We may be envious, but only because you have a beautiful power. I love that black women now have embraced their natural selves.Please not all white woman think we are superior, most of us have no problem being equals to you. As a woman I love standing next to other powerful women doesn't matter her color. You do gotta pray for this woman though. She can keep her white preferences to herself next time though.
DeleteJust to clear things up. My reading of it was that one white woman posted a racist comment saying she couldn't understand how a white person could be attracted to a black person. (What a bitch)
DeleteI think the white woman with the white boyfriend is being misjudged and misread. She used a complex double negative in her sentence but I read it carefully, especially when I saw the criticism, and what she actually said was that everyone she knows is attracted to black people. She then went on the criticise the racist post - just in the interest of fairness folks. The moral of that story is to use simpler language.
Personally I've never been attracted to anyone because of their colour. Personality is more important than anything and while looks matter to a certain extent, people of all races are highly attractive.
There is only one race, the human race. As all humans originated on the African continent, blue eyes originated in Africans, and passed down to their descendants. Numerous scientific journals on the genetics of eye color all come to the same conclusion of fact. Variations of ethnicity that we erroneously perceive as race came from adaptations to different environments... Pale skin color from being in cold climates, and wearing furs to keep the skin warm, living in sun intensive climates causing variations of the eyes to protect them, darker skin to protect against the rays of the sun... Thank you for sharing this young woman's story, her spirit could not be crushed.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for publishing this post. We must continue to discover and share the stories of our enslaved African ancestors.
ReplyDeleteAs has been said by some of the commenters, rape was used as a way to control and subjugate Black women during slavery. Rape is used as a weapon in war, and in the prison system.
Having said that, white men are often attracted to Black women – and why not? And Black people are often seen as exotic. White people also project onto Black people the qualities they do not want to own in themselves. Fanon explained this in detail in Wretched of the Earth.
Excellent blog. I'm so glad I found this. I shall be linking to this post.
Keep up the good work.
I'm from London (UK) of West Indian heritage. I had not heard of Escrava Anastacia before so I am truly grateful for this site. Thank you. Her story saddens but does not surprise me. As a descendant of slaves I am all too aware of the horrors of that time and each personal tragedy I come across, only reminds me of how base humanity can be (and in many ways continues to be) I admire her strength and resilience and wish I possessed even a modicum of her ability to forgive. I recently saw a photo on my fb feed of Adriana Degreas Sao Paolo Fashion week " Legend of Saint Anastacia" and was initially offended! Outraged even! Gobsmaked! I could not grasp how an image so cruel, painful and oppressive could be demeaned on a fashion garment? But I realise now the said garment has led me here and therefore it has done its job. Allowing many more people outside of Brazil (who may have never have heard of Anastacia) to share in her story and partake in their own healing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this and sharing it was very interesting. Now I am curious to learn more about the story and I am sure there is more to her.
ReplyDeleteHow can anyone think it has anything to do with any other thing than the intentional mixing of blood lines? We do not know the motives for such, but that is the reality.Technically a lot of black people( various shades of brown skin, curly/ coarse hair) are truly white people by the Y chromosome.These men had an agenda in mixing the bloods.Only God and they know the why. And if one stop to think that most of what goes on today in the world was planned centuries before, we can for sure also know that the reason is going to be evident in the future, when the need arises. The reason must be evil though, because black man were not allowed, were even killed for even thinking in passing his Y chromosome through white women. It is a sinister plot and God who searches the hearts know the whys. My personal opinion is that many generations will come and go and never know the reason, or even think there is a reason.If we pay close attention to wars rape is used most of the time and even though people have the same nationality they are of different ethnics groups. That started to get my attention when reading testimonies of women being raped by their enemies and the raper said to her: "you are going to have ----(his peoples lineage} babies" And I was like: why in the world does a man want a woman from an ethnic group he hates to have his child? Doe not make sense at first, but it does. It is about spreading /mixing his lineage for wherever obscure reason.
ReplyDeleteActually the black woman is the only one who has all possible variations of blue eyes, green eyes, blond hair, red hair, anything like that is all in their DNA. A predominantly Black woman can have a child with a predominantly black man and have a child with blue, green, brown eyes. Everyone evolved from Africa. All of these different variations of eye colors, skin colors, hair colors/ textures are just mutations.
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly Americans can be so old fashionedly racist (from a Europian perspective). I would never use words like "black", "white", "yellow" in order to distinguish ethnic groups. They sound offensive to me and also they have no scientific meaning at all. There is one race: human; but humans have many many populations and these populations only have a subset of the total human genom, therefore they are phenotipically distinct. A common gene variation in population A could have never appeared in population B. The Homo genus evolved in Europe/Middle East region some 4-5 Mys ago, then they spread around the World. The human race (Home sapiens sapiens) appeared in Africa some 200 thousands years ago; later a subset of these people (a population) left Africa and migrated to the East along the shores and reached Australia/NZ. Then a second migration event has occured from the mother continent (Africa), they were the ancestors of today's Asian people. The third bigger migration event resulted the so called "white race" - of course these people that left Africa had black skin. These bigger migration events resulted 4 more or less isolated mega populations; so all the mutations occured after the geographical isolation automatically became exclusive within the given population. The recessive allele that is resposible for the natural, non-pathologic blue eye is the result of a mutation in the HERC2 gene. And since this mutation has happened in a population that was living near the shore of the Black Sea, this allele and therefore the blue eyed phenotype is exclusive among European/Indian/Middle Eastern people - the modern day descendants of that original population. The only way a "black" person can have blue eyes is that she/he has ancestors (on both parental and maternal lineage, since the allele shows a recessive trait) with the HERC2 mutation. And since the HERC2 mutation is exclusive to "whites", the blue eyed "black" person must have some "white" ancestors on both lineages. Therefore blue eyes with a dark black skin color and other typical African phenotypes are not an option for native Africans but mostly for Americans with African (AND Europian/Indian/Middle Eastern...) ancestors. Of course since globalisation destroys isolation more and more blue eyed native Africans will appear in the future.
DeleteAlso another misconception that I've read in the comments is the origin/reason of the white skin. White skin tone has very little to do with climate change; actually the first Europeans were pitch black but with the typical European face structure (and yes some of them had blue eyes). The white skin color variant evolved in the Caucasus/Fertile Crescent region and not in Europe. Also it is a relatively new phenotype. These populations were the first that gave up the hunter geatherer lifestyle and started to cultivate crops. This drastic change in their diet (lower meat consumption, therefore lower Vitamin-D intake) was the selective pressure that resulted the lighter skin tone (sunlight can directly catalyse the formation of the precursor of Vit-D from its pro-precursor that is also abundant in plants and not only in meat). The Middle East is a sunny and hot weathered region, but the "whites" evolved there, so light skin has nothing to do with the climate.
The stroy itself is very sad, but as someone else already wrote it: human cruelty is a common trait in all of our populations/culture:( Since globalisation will form mankind into one big mixed population it would be nice to lose this "phenotype" as fast as possible.
And slavery goes on today, in Denver, NYC, and here in Hawai'i (just had a farmer busted on O'ahu). So terrible. And to the genetics, they say that both parents have to carry the gene, but who knows who carries what genes. I know kids of ethnically asian and ethnically "white" and they usually have brown eyes, but a few have green or blue.
ReplyDeletedo you have anymore information about anastaica? like how long she may have lived ? also is there any stories out there that may describe who she was ? any stories on her having any friends that may have known her aswell...
ReplyDeleteSo much misinformation in some of the responses. I apologize in advance for not being politically correct with labels on race. Slavery was/is not limited to american whites and african blacks. There were many blacks in africa involved in the american slave trade, they helped round up and load their fellow country men on those slave ships. Whites had no evil motives, agendas, or intentions of mixing blood lines. And blacks are not truly white according to their Y chromosomes, maybe the other way around. The genes that control our skin and eye color are such a small fraction of the human DNA. As to whether white women or black women are more desireable, I would say it's more male/female. Man desires woman and woman desires man. Races have always mixed, one of the reasons it's hard to trace lineages in our DNA. As for blue eyes, it's a recessive gene so one would have to receive it from both parents. We have two genes for eye color; one is inherited from the father and the other from the mother and both would have to be the blue gene for the child to have blue eyes.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled on this blog and have found it interesting and informative. Not much is taught in our schools on this subject and it should be. They teach about the civil war but very little on the plight of the slaves. We learn about the atrocities done to people by other countries but fall silent when it comes to our own. I wonder how much this silence plays into the continuing problems with race that we see today. I'm not responsible for what my forefathers had done to so many but i'm not going to deny that it happened. In today's time, I think it's important and in our own interest that we all stand together. There are so few that are amassing such power that it can affect us all, and not in a good way.
Your blog is very useful for me,Thanks for your sharing.
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ReplyDeleteI am laughing that someone said white men do not want Black vagina because it’s not pink ……lmbao
ReplyDeleteI am an African American woman. Descendant of slaves. My vagina is pink lol. Do you really think Black people are black on the inside too????? Hahahahahahaha. I’m dying. Anonymous posted I wish I could tag you. That made my night. And to the ignorant post about how can someone be attracted to black skin… ask yourself why you are not? And there were plenty of Black slaves with Blue eyes. There are African people that have no other race mixed in with Blue eyes. Also some with red hair and freckles. There are slave logs from slave ships documenting eye colors when they registered them first entering America. A lot had blue, hazel, green eyes before ever being raped. Smh. This is all searchable. Blue eyes are not exclusive to Caucasians.
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Growing up boomer in the late 60's, I was a 13 year old easily identifiable as white trash. I found myself among handfuls of African American families working very hard at giving their children what they never had.Then came the racial riots, most were coordinated efforts that destroyed a lot of school property and even worse life bonds. We were thrown in to something none of us could not even begin to understand. I lost life friends in that one day, as I found myself hated moving forward in to adulthood.
ReplyDeleteI had no issue with finding my friends sisters attractive. Something that I still experience to this day. A bit personal but it needs to be said. There exists nothing more beautiful then to see onese skins contrast each other in the throws of intimacy.
I strongly believe had MLK jr not been gunned down, the retaliations that followed and the formation of groups such as the black panthers had not occured, we would be looking at a very close integration blending skin color a issue of the past