Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Newspaper article, 1721

1721 newspaper article about slave ships.
Newspaper article, 1721

A 1721 newspaper article from The London Journal, detailing activity of slave ships off the coast of Africa. The text reads:

To the Author of The London Journal.
Cape Coast Castle, June 3, 1721.

I Left Cape Three Points two Days ago, where I left Capt. Hunt ready to Sail, having about Two Hundred and Fifty Slaves on Board. Captain Malthus, in the Bahama Galley, having near One Hundred and Eighty Slaves, is almost ready to come to the Leeward. I found here only the Dispatch and the Guinea Sloop.

The Dutch are come hither, in order to bombard the Brandenburgers Factory; but tis believed they will not be able to take it. They have Four large Ships here, and make taking all English Ships that load Goods in Holland, as Prizes.

The Mayflower Brigantine was well May the 7th, and had then One Hundred or more very fine Slaves on Board, almost ready to Sail. People die here so fast at the Factories, that 'tis hardly worth while to settle any Correspondence with them.

I am SIR,
Your Humble Servant,

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