Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Slave Burials in the Old College Ground

The 1794 chapel at Holy Trinity Catholic Church is one of the most sacred spaces in Washington, D.C. -- the first place where Catholics could worship publicly in what was later to become the nation's capitol. It's sacred in a more secular sense to its immediate neighbors, residents of the historic Georgetown community and fierce guardians of its architectural character. (Georgetown Education)

Slave Burials in the Old College Ground

From the Death Register of Holy Trinity Church, Georgetown, a list of slaves buried in the “Old College Ground”, a burial ground on the campus of Georgetown University until 1953.

Charity, a servant woman of Mr. Zech. Smith’s, who died the 19th inst. (January 18, 1821)

Peter, a Servt. Boy of Mrs. Weaver, who died the 21st inst. (January 22, 1821)

Smith’s Louisa, a col’d child (January 22, 1821)

Teresa, a servt. woman of Mrs. Spalding (January 31, 1821)

Rachel, a Col’d Woman of the College Wash House (October 22, 1821)

Ruth, a Col’d Woman of the Visitation (January 24, 1823)

_____ a child from the people belonging to the Monastery (February 20, 1825)

Charles – black – servant of the College (January 3, 1832)

Mary, (Col’d) daughter of John Lee, a free (Col’d) Man, and of Mary, a slave to Mr. Newton age 6, was buried in the College Ground, paid. (January 5, 1835)

George – black – servt. of Miss Jane Sewall = chol.[cholera] (August 29, 1832)

Clare – black – servt. of Mr. Jos. Semmes – chol. (September 4, 1832)

Sarah – black – servt. of Mrs. Widow Semmes – chol. (September 6, 1832)

Leonard (Butler) black – a servt. of Mr. Birth – chol. (September 7, 1832)

[Glover Park History: Historical Sketches of Glover Park, Upper Georgetown, and Georgetown Heights, by Carlton Fletcher]

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