Monday, January 30, 2012

Racial Residue: How Race Alters Perception of People, Places, and Things

Confronting Racism: The Problem and the Response

Racial Residue: How Race Alters Perception of People, Places, and Things

Stanford University psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt presents her research on how race influences our perception of objects and physical spaces, how objects and physical spaces influence how we think about race and how race changes how we see people.


  1. Greetings everyone.....
    I am Mr. Tomos from United State Texas, I am here to share my testimony on how Mr. Roland Felix helped me joined the great Illuminati brotherhood.... I was trying to join the brotherhood 4 years back and I got scammed by so called Illuminati agent and I lost almost 8,500$ and I was really confused and I was not able to take good care of my family until I saw the testimony of Mr. Ben from Canada and the testimony of Mrs. Favor Smith from Zambia on how Mr. Roland Felix helped them join the brotherhood so I contacted him and he told me more about the Illuminati brotherhood and he also told me what to do and I did it. It was just like a joke 7 days later, I was given a welcome token of 10,000$ and I was so surprised, Two weeks later I was invited for my initiation and after my initiation, I was given a benefit of one million dollars and a car and a new house in any country of my own choice....
    for those of you that are willing to join the great Illuminati brotherhood, contact Mr. Roland Felix on his Email : or write him on whatsApp +2349056530308 for instant initiation.....

  2. Hello Greetings Everyone........

    i am Mr. Martin Davidson from the great illuminati brotherhood, i am here to speak my mind because i am very angry because we had that so many people are using our names and pictures to take money from you people so we are very angry because of that and also we are looking for those people who are scammers and we have 20 of them now in our costordy and we are still looking for more so if you have any of them please give us their details so that they can be punished and also you people should bewere of all post about illuminati they are all fake....


    if you are willing to join the great illuminati brotherhood contact us on; +33758476136 , or Email us on, for instant initiation............

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